Join us for a night of ideas, creativity, inspiration and good times.
PechaKucha Night is a fun and informal event where people can meet, inspire and get inspired, based on a format that is fast-paced and fun. Ten inspiring minds will be giving a unique insight into their latest work and ideas in 20 slides x 20 seconds.
Tickets are now on sale! Purchase your tickets while they last. In the meantime, RSVP on Facebook and get to know our speakers.
Your host is:
Caroline Boquist – Co-owner, Walrus
Your speakers are:
Ben Z Cooper – Partner & Creative Director, HFour
Conrad Brown – Principal, Knauf and Brown
Doug Stephen – Chef & Owner, Merchants Workshop
Joanna Riquett – Founder & Editor in Chief, Hayo
Joost Bakker – Principal, DIALOG
Kelty Miyoshi McKinnon – Principal, PFS Studio
Pennylane Shen – Owner, Dazed & Confucius Consulting
Ravi Pankhania – Curtain Maker, Cloth Studio
Tierney Milne – Freelance Designer & Artist
Rachel Kelly, Michelle Lazar, and Mitchell Ballentine – Co-Organizers, lipservice